August has been an eventful month.
My daughter got married,. the whole day went well, even if it did rain all day. And although I might be in danger of blowing my own trumpet, my speech was described as brilliant by a leading international TV producer in attendance.
We then went away to Spain for a rest and holiday, and visited Barcelona were they kindly agreed to display one of my works at Sagreda Famillia (True-ish). We also visited Sitges and my nose exploded on the beach (True).
I also had a work accepted for a juried exhibition in California ! (True)
The Tuna Tin arrived and has now been photographed.. see Collaborative International projects and will shortly be winging its way towards California. So far its been to France arriving from Australia.
I also sold pictures which is always nice !
My Art Prints at Red Bubble
My Imagekind Gallery
Budget Posters of my work at art.com
My Zazzle Shop